Saturday, November 3, 2018


In this topic, we assume that our pupils can already write in their own language or are in the process of learning to write. Although writing is not always easy and the oral skills are combined in the classroom. Many children take a long time to master the skill of writing and if we try to make children’s writing meaningful from the start, with emphasis on content, then errors can be gently corrected and re-written in cooperation with the teachers.

Writing is a good thing because it is still a useful, essential, integral and enjoyable part of the foreign language (lesson). Also writing is valuable in itself when we talk to controlled writing activities we will usually do more guided activities with beginners, but we should not exclude very simple free activities.

When we talk about the straight copying, is an activity that gives the teacher the chance to reinforce language that has been presented orally or through reading.
With matching we can vary straight copying by asking pupils to match pictures and text, or to choose which sentence the children want to write about the text.

Copying book: it is helpful for pupils to have a copying book where they can copy new vocabulary and little dialogues. Pupils are free to copy things from the textbook.

Dictation is a very safe type of exercise, because the teacher is providing the actual language as well as the context. Is important to be short, have a purpose, and be connected with the topic.

Fill-in exercises are useful activities, especially at the beginning stages. The pupils do not require much active production of the language. With pupils who have catch and understand the level, they can be focused on specific language items.

In free activities the language is the pupils’ own language, no matter what their level is. The teacher should be the initiator; that is why the teacher is responsible for seeing that the task can be done by the pupils.

It is easier when the pupils have a knowledge about the language, because they can develop free writing activities. The main difficulty with writing activities seems to be going from nothing to something.

It is very important to children to have vocabulary and they need to develop more activities. Some questions to ask children are: what did you do last night? And the teacher has to write on the board all the answers.

Another thing that is important are vocabulary charts, for example: drawings or pictures with vocabulary collection. With those materials pupils remember easily the new words.
Topic vocabulary: with this activity the teacher says to the children: tell me about things that you like, for example: what is your favorite food?
The dialogue activities are very important because the pupils can produce the language, at the same time pupils practice writing.

In conclusion, writing is very important to us for learning English language.

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