Monday, November 12, 2018


This e-folio shows a summary of the topics developed during the second semester of 2018 in the course: Didactics of the English Language, by students of the University of El Salvador, Western Multidisciplinary Campus.

The objectives of this course were: to apply the fundamentals of the theory and practice of EFL teaching and learning; and to strengthen students’ professional and formative aspects to become reflective teachers. So, the purpose of this e-folio is to evaluate if such objectives were reached by the student teachers.

This activity is important to evaluate the learning in the students of this subject, and also, how they applied these topics during their experiences in the development of the Kindergarten Teaching Practicum activity.

This activity was carried out in groups of five in which the topics showed in this blog were assigned equitably to each member, and then discussed and inspected within the group.

The information showed in each topic is based in the material collected along the semester (taught by the teacher, and also presentations made by students of the corresponding subject). Based on that information, the students belonging to this group, shaped the topics on this e-folio to show the knowledge learned in the subject; how this knowledge helped them during the Kindergarten Teaching Practicum; and in which ways they applied the theory to the praxis in the development of said activity.

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