Friday, October 26, 2018


Teaching is a wide world, and we, as student teachers, are starting to explore it. Through this course, we have learned strategies to teach, ways to transmit knowledge to kindergarten children, how to take advantage of the abilities of children and to encourage them to learn a new language.

The topics developed during the Didactics of the English Language course, are of vital importance for our career. We need to manage, understand and put in practice the theory in the praxis of teaching.

Sometimes, we as students, tend to disparage the theoretical parts in our learning, but they are the base of what we are going to put in practice in a future.

In the case of our teaching practicum, sometimes we did not know how to do certain things, we were afraid of going to a school, and develop a class for children. But thanks to what we have learned in the course, we started to feel confident.

Is always difficult to do something for the first time, but having a guide always is helpful. The topics developed in this e-folio were our guide during our Kindergarten Teaching Practicum, and they will be our guide for our future experiences in the teaching world.

We need to manage and understand the theory of ELT, because based on that we are going to work henceforth, and is going to be part of our working life as future English teachers.

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