Monday, November 5, 2018

Oral Work

Speaking is perhaps the most demanding skill for the teacher to teach. In this way, children are able to express emotions, communicate intentions and reactions. So, in English is the same way, but there are limitations because of their lack of actual language. We should remember that oral skills of a young learner are much different than those of the young or of children aged seven and over, so we should keep this in mind.

When we are teaching a foreign language, sometimes we cannot understand what children want to say, because it is not their native language. Children will be often naturally insert their native language when they cannot find words in English. I think, that it is good because they try to do it, participate in the discourse, and is naturally that they have mistakes, obviously you should correct these mistakes because they are learning a new language and all the knowledge is new for them.

When children start learning a foreign language, -English- they need to be given language before they can out. At this initial stage the activities will be under the control of the teacher. With the help of some tools or ways, you can present new language orally, for example: through the pupils asking for their abilities or what kind of things are her or his favorites. Using puppets, a mascot, with them, you can create funny dialogues; using drawings, silhouettes. You can choose the best way to provide oral skills to the young learners.
We should not forget use this ways at the same time with controlled practices, learners should try to practice the new language as soon as they have heard it. The sooner they can practice, the easier they can assimilate the new language and practice pronunciation of these.

Activities like these provide the basis for oral work, but do not always produce a “real” language at once. Their purpose is to train pupils to use correct, simple, useful language with a situation or context. Learners may have to repeat sentences, be corrected and go through the same thing several times. In my point of view, is not necessary to teach a lot of words that children may forget, may be a few, but if you teach them well, they can easily understand; you will have gained much more because they will hardly forget it.
Working with dialogues is useful to bridge the gap between guide practice and freer activities. Another way of present dialogues is through role plays.
In conclusion, the use of activities that motivate learners' participation is good, because in this form they can add new vocabulary and practice pronunciation and is an easy way to create sentences. To provide oral skills to young learners is very important.

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