Thursday, November 1, 2018

Planning Your Work

Because it makes life much easier for them in the classroom, the teacher can adapt the plan for future use. The teacher knows what they will need for each lesson. The teachers are very energetic and enthusiastic to enjoy the class.

We can divide planning into three stages:
-Long term planning: which may be for a whole term.
-Short term planning: which might be for a unit of work.
-Lesson planning: for individual lessons.

Lesson planning has to be done before every lesson when teachers are planning the lesson, they need to remember this points:
-Decide when and how to use group work, for example: to make the organization of their classroom as easy as possible.
-Always have more activities than they think and they will need.
The most important thing to teach. The part where the teacher has to plan her work is not difficult, but the teacher has to be careful with this. The teacher has to develop the topics, at the same time, she has to make children interested in the topic, so she needs to look for the correct strategies.

The most important question that the teacher has to answer is: did the pupils learn what I wanted them to learn? This can be difficult to answer because the learning of students depends on how the teacher planned his/her work, if that worked, the children will have the new knowledge, but if the teacher has not the capacity to develop the topic the children will not have any new knowledge.

One strategy is to avoid spend too much time analyzing each lesson, that can be done with help of games to make learning easier. Because if the teacher do not do those king of activities, children get bored and do not show interest in the class, and that can cause waste of time.

The teacher does not have control about everything. For example, if the teacher plays a song with a CD player, and the CD player do not work, the teacher cannot lose time in that, she has to use another strategy, because if she focused on the problem, children will lose interest in the class, so she has to continue with something else.

What to do when things go wrong?  The pupils are angels and we are a gifted teacher, we must be prepared for things to go wrong, or rather, not as we planned. Young children are wonderfully spontaneous and do and say whatever comes into their heads.
If the class is out of control: this means that we always have to have what we might call “emergency activities”, ready activities that we can use in situations like this.
When the activity is taking too long: the teacher asks the pupils to finish it for homework. When we have extra time of course, we can always say to the pupils: we are going to play a game or to listen a story, or add to our rhyme book.

When an activity does not work: don not try to repair or change things like this in the middle of a lesson.

An activity is too difficult: the teacher has to look for an easier activity and the pupils can participate.
So, planning your work is very important. All the teachers have to plan their classes. In case the teacher does not do it, the class will be a disaster, it will be notorious for students the lack of planning from the teacher. If the teacher does not do it, she or he will be lost in the class.

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