Thursday, November 8, 2018

Introduction to TVYL

Teaching very young learners (TVYL) can be difficult, much more if we are teaching a foreign language. Let’s remember that the only knowledge that children have of a language is L1 (native language).

In our case, in our country we only have L1 (Spanish). We do not have a L2 (second language). So, TVYL can be a bit of a problem. But it is not impossible.
If we have the task of teaching a language that is not the native, we must be take into account certain aspects. For example, the age of the group of children to whom we are going to teach this language, in our case English language.

Knowing the age of the apprentices plays an important role, because based on these we will select the topics and activities to develop when we must give our classes.
We must be aware that for learners, is a new way that opens up, and we are strangers in their world.
Catching and keeping children’s attention is not an easy task when compared to teaching young people or adults. Children accumulate much more energy, and they want to float, so a little distraction maybe enough for them to deconcentrate. Is for that why we must be very creative and resourceful when we make our class plan, and the activities to be done to take advantage of each child's abilities. To keep the learners’ attention on the content we are developing, we must use creative and fun ways that motivate them to want to discover that there is beyond than what they are seeing and listening at the moment. Also, to stimulate their participation in a fun way, in a beneficial environment that is beneficial for the development of their skills.

Here’s another important topic: Classroom atmosphere. From how the classroom is organized to our mood in introducing ourselves to learners is important. The way the desks are organized plays an important role at the time of the class, as a poor organization of these can prevent children from seeing what you are saying in front of them.
With regard to the state of mind with which we introduce to the children, we must be aware because they are very receptive and whatever state of mind we have at the moment will influence in their mood.
They are small learners, curious to know what you have prepared for them, and yours gestures and words can easily motive or demotivate their wish for learning.
TVYL is not easy, but if you get prepared and give the best of you, if you put in practice all your knowledge, you will find that teaching young learners can be really fun and amazing.

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