Friday, November 2, 2018

Topic-Based Work

In this topic is necessary to ask this question: Why to do or use topic-based work? Here are some of the reasons why:
When we are concentrated on a particular topic, the content of the lessons automatically becomes more important than the language itself. The teacher has to look for dynamic activities to make children interested with those activities children can associate words, functions, structures and situations with a particular topic.

When we choose our topic to teach, we also have to choose which topic to work on, for example, if children like “Lego cartoons”, we can make charts and plan the class related to that. We can use a paper doll of Legos to teach The parts of the body, by pointing the parts and telling the name and then children can repeat.
When you have your topic and make materials for it, you can work out which strategies and functions of the language to concentrate. For example, if the animals is your topic and you have to develop the topic in two weeks, you might want to split it up.
-       What are your favorite animals?
-       Where do you find this animal?

Topic-based work opens up all possibilities. Since topic based work gives to the pupils a good opportunity to assess.

Vocabulary work. The teacher uses cards-pictures pasted on cardboard or bought cards can be used to present vocabulary. The teacher knows how to present the material and structures to children to understand.

Dialogues and role plays are important because these activities are to help the pupils to talk about some topics. With these activities children can produce all ideas about the topic and practicing the pronunciation. Also they help children develop their social abilities and relations with other pupils.

Stories, songs and rhymes are very important because the children need to develop their knowledge. When you sing a song with children they show more interest because avoid them to get bored. When you read them a story they are able to use their imagination, and rhymes develop their creativity and pronunciation.
The teacher has the capacity to develop all the topics in an interesting way for children. The teacher can use topic- based work to develop any topic, like animals, food, family, etc. making topics like this depends on the type of pupils you have and on the atmosphere in the classroom.

Planning time:  it is very necessary to assign the time to develop each activity. Would be decide almost on the moment.

Collecting material: the teacher has to look for texts, pictures, objects, cards and ideas, we always think that we will remember our brilliant ideas, but we do not, unless we take note of them.

It is necessary to evaluate the children, ask the children what they liked, did not like to do. The teacher always needs a variety of strategies to develop the topics, because work with children requires time and patience, but at the end it is an amazing experience.

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