Wednesday, November 7, 2018

The Young Language Learner

In this chapter we are talking about the average child. This book assumes that your pupils are between five and ten years old or eleven. This main that it contain some of the most vital years in a child's development.

We have to know that there is a big difference between what children of five year olds can do, and what children of ten years old can do. There are some children that develop early, and there are some children that develop later. Also there are some children that develop slowly and others in leaps and bounds. It is not possible to say that any of those different ages can all do, but is possible to point out some characteristics of young children.

In this case we have two main groups that are the following. In the first time as the level number one, it is form with the five to seven years old children, and the second one as the level number two, that is form with the eight to ten year olds in addition, We have some examples about what the level number one can do at their own level (five to seven year olds).
·         They can tell about what they have done or heard.
·         They can use their vivid imagination.
·         They can use a wide range of intonation patterns in their mother tongue or L1.

As well, we have here other characteristics of the young language learner that are the follows.
·         The use of language skills long before they are aware of them.
·         Their own understanding comes through hands and eyes and ears. The phisical world is dominant at all times.
·         Young children cannot decide for themselves what to learn.

Now, we have some examples about what the level number two can do at their own level (eight to ten year olds).
·         They can tell the difference between fact and fiction.
·         They are able to work with others and learn from others.
·         They ask questions all the teme.
·         The have definite views about what they like, and what they don't like doing.

Language development: It means that in eight to ten year olds have a language with all the basic elements. They are competent, and they use their mother tongue in a good way, and children with ten year olds can: understand abstracts, understand symbols (beginning with words), and they can generalize and systematize. What is clear here is that most eight to ten years old will have some sort of language awareness and readiness which they bring with them into the foreign language classroom, and the period from five to ten sees dramatic changes in children.
Words are enough: Do not rely on the spoken word only. We have to know that the activities for the younger learners should include movement and involve the sense, you need to use objects and pictures to work with, and remember that to use material appealing to sense will always help the pupils to learn.

Play with the language: Let the pupils talk to themselves; use rhymes, sing songs, tell stories, let them experiment with words and sounds. 'Let's go-pest go' playing with the language in this way is very common in first language development.
Language as language: Most eight to ten years old already have this awareness by other clues: meaning facial expressions or movement, and you should use those clues. Reading and writing are important for the child's growing awareness of language.

Variety in the classroom: Since concentration and attention span are short; variety is a must. Some variety for example variety of activity, variety of space organization, and voice.

Routines: Have systems, have routines, organize and plan your lesson. You can use familiar situations and activities, also you have to repeat stories and rhymes.

Cooperation not competition: You should avoid rewards and prizes, there are other forms of encouragement that are much more effective. You can work in groups of children, this does not mean that has to happen all the time; this will help to encourage cooperation.

Grammar and assessment: These are a very important part because you know that children have and amazing ability to absorb language through games and activities, and you have to take advantage about that and assess them. You should take regular notes about each child's progress, and you can tell the parents how their children doing.

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